Stroud Acupuncture for Health and Wellness
Lawrence, the acupuncturist at Stroud Acupuncture in Stroud, practices the Japanese ‘Kiiko Matsumoto’ acupuncture style, which is gentle, yet very powerful, not just for physical ailments and pain, but also for anxiety and emotional problems. Many of my patients come with anxiety, panic attacks, depression or stress related problems, often caused by stress at work or home and include teachers, NHS workers, managers and mothers. Most patients after the first treatment say, 'I haven't felt as relaxed as this for years'. Coming for just a few acupuncture treatments can also strengthen your own self-healing powers, leading to improvements in your symptoms and your general feeling of ‘well being’. Hence Japanese acupuncture is helpful for a huge range of conditions and problems. Just click on the 'Patient Feedback' button to read all the genuine testimonials that show the range of problems that we treat successfully.
Acupuncture is a leap of faith for our Western minds. The concepts on which it is based do not exist in Western thought. You can’t cut open the body and find the meridians which form the energetic framework of the human body, or find Qi (pronounced ‘chee’, meaning 'life force') which flows through this network to motivate our physiological processes. Similarly, you can’t cut open a light bulb and find electricity. Nor, can you cut open a computer and find cyberspace. It doesn’t mean that these things don’t exist. Proof of their existence lies in their application and the same is true of acupuncture treatment. Only through experiencing acupuncture for yourself will you be able to judge its true value.
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